The New Fleet Operations Group

Hello Fifth Fleet! I apologize for the delayed message but this morning I had some technical difficulties while mobile (mostly forgetting my password) but hey, everyone has those moments.

As of 00:00 GMT this morning the new Fleet Operations Group has assumed command.  Command of what you ask? Helping the sims of our fleet thrive! While she still use the old terms of Commander, Executive Officer, and the like that isn’t how the Fleet Operations Group wants to be thought of.  We are just the administrators to run the day to day on the behalf of the fleet’s membership. So if you have any thoughts, questions, or suggestions please reach out to your sim’s GM or AGM or even a member of the FOG directly.  (FOG is a cool nickname right? Almost mysterious.)

The FOG has identified three main priorities for the rest of 2021 and we hope to accomplish all of them or at least make a lot of headway in them all:

• Solidifying our storylines, putting better information on the website, and strengthening our current sims through better infrastructure.
• Increase our social media presence and develop a good community management strategy to help retain and recruit new members and sims.
• Member morale! We really should be highlighting our members activities and contributions and I very much believe that we need a kick ass and useable awards system for that.

So that’s what we have for goals and we will be looking for everyone’s help! Please keep an eye out for a call to action by our various FOG members as we proceed with bringing our plans forward and don’t hesitate to reach out and volunteer.

Fleet Commanding Officer

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