I have exciting news. Kai1701E Fleet Ops Director and I have been talking about Fleet development, and after much consideration I have decided to appoint him as as Director, Fleet Operations. Kai will be helping me with the day to day management of the fleet, and to grow the organisation – via recruitment, development of group infrastructure and world building.
Kai has a whole host of experience, in world building, game mastery and administration from his years of experience across the Trek Roleplaying community.
Our Goals for 2020/21 include:
- build our social media presence (Facebook mainly)
- establish ourselves as a the ‘fourth’ of the big 3 sim groups.
- engage with the wider sim community (inc. Squiddie Awards/Ongoingworlds/Khitomer etc)
- assist CO’s with recruitment – 80% full primary rosters by this time next year [based on figures as of 4/6/20] .
I hope that you’ll all congratulate Kai on his appointment, and support him in his new role as Director, Fleet Operations.
As we reach our 3rd birthday, our resurgence has been amazing! Together we’re going to do great things. The Fifth Fleet is really making a name for itself, as a quality community – I hope we can keep this momentum going!
With numerous developments in the works, we hope to make more exciting announcements over the next month!
Live Long and Prosper,
Fleet CO