** Begin Transmisson **
This is April Jones, FNN’s Frontier Correspondent on Starbase Horizon with a breaking news update!
“=/\=This is the Federation Red Star Ship, Saint Vincent De Paul to Starbase Horizon. Mayday. I repeat. Mayday. We have been attacked by two Fergengi Marauders and are in need of assistance. This is the Federation Red Star ship, Saint Vincent De Paul to Starbase Horizon. Mayday. I repeat. Mayday. We have been marooned without propulsion. Send assistance.”
– The emergency transmission from the St. Vincent De Paul.

The Federation News Network has come to learn that a Federation Red Star ship, the USS St. Vincent De Paul has been ambushed by Fergengi Marauders in the Azurean Corridor. FNN sources tell me that the ship has had its nacelles sheered off and it is now adrift in space. The De Paul was on a galactic relief mission to the Romulan colony of Illymaix II, which is suffering from an extreme viral breakout.

Our understanding is that Starfleet has dispatched a number of ships, from both ends of the corridor to render assistance and intercept the assailants. The USS Eli under the command of Colonel Tobias Keyes, and the USS Job commanded by Lt Colonel Kate Nixon, and the Nebula Class USS Vico. This story is just breaking, so we’ll keep you up-to-date with developments as they emerge.