The Fifth Fleet is happy to announce the the USS Nogura, under the command of Captain Keziah Nazir and Lieutenant Commander Rokan Dukal.
The Borg, our most lethal enemy, have begun an invasion of the Federation, and this time there may be no stopping them…”
It is the year 2387; A fragile peace holds, but tensions between species are at an all-time high. Thirsting for expansion, conflict between the Klingon Empire and the Gorn looms large. Cardassia struggles to overcome the devastation wrought by the Dominion at the end of the war just a decade earlier whilst the Romulans struggle in the aftermath of their own tragedy.

After it was discovered that the Romulan sun would go supernova, threatening to destroy the Romulan system and its inhabited planets and threatening the lives of billions of people in the Beta Quadrant, the Romulan Star Empire asked the United Federation of Planets for help with evacuation efforts. Starfleet agreed to provide aid with a rescue armada of ten thousand Wallenberg-class transports, with the intent to relocate 900 million Romulan citizens to worlds outside the blast of the supernova.
Then came the events of April 5th, 2385; First Contact Day. A group of rogue synths launched a surprise attack on Mars, destroying the Utopia Planitia Fleetyards and much of the rescue armada. Faced with pressure from planets around the Federation in the wake of the attack, Starfleet called off the rescue and abandoned the Romulans. Less than two years later, the unimaginable occurred; the supernova began before help could arrive, and Romulus (along with several other worlds) and its population were destroyed. The Star Empire is in tatters and the blame finger of blame is aimed squarely at the Federation.
With the home quadrants in chaos, out of the shadows of darkness the Federation’s most lethal enemy strikes one last time. Wave after wave of Borg vessels emerge across known space, a coordinated strike designed to finally cripple the races of the Alpha and Beta quadrants and prove that Resistance is Futile.
Now, life as we know it is at an end. Worlds of every empire, prosperous and deprived alike, are gone – wiped out by our cybernetic enemies. Our friends, our enemies… all have gone silent. The Federation has been all but destroyed – yet hope remains. Across the quadrant, rag tag groups of misfits travel the stars in search of survivors and, if possible, a new home. Rumours of ships who fled the war zone remain, and we know there are survivors. It will be our mission to reunite and rebuild the Federation, one survivor at a time.