Greetings Fifth Fleet Members and Visitors,
I would like to announce that effective as of 1 MAR 2021, at 00:00 GMT there will be a Change of Command within the Fifth Fleet. When our charter was adopted our Fleet Commanding Officer, Nixon, announced that he would be stepping down as Fleet CO on that date and called a special election for a replacement. As of his resignation, I will be taking over as the Fleet’s Commanding Officer. As part of an incoming Fleet Commanding Officer, it involves a complete change over in the Fleet Operations Group. The Fleet Operations Group for those not familiar with our new charter includes the Fleet Commanding Officer, Fleet Executive Officer, Fleet Operations Officer, and the Community Relations Officer.
As of right now I have begun a search for a Fleet XO who must be a member of the Command Council (a sim’s GM or AGM). This process will be conducted, as required by the charter, in house and will be announced when a candidate is selected. Nixon has also agreed to remain part of the Fleet Operations Group as our Fleet Operations Officer.
At this time I would like to ask any fleet member who would be interested in serving as Community Relations Officer to please contact me via Discord via DM (Stephen#0373) and let me know. The duties of the Community Relations Officer per the Fifth Fleet Charter are:
The Community Relations Officer (CRO) is responsible for the overall growth and health of the community. They are responsible for the management of community services, such as message boards, Discord, etc. The CRO is also responsible for driving the fleet-wide recruitment and retention strategy, with oversight of the fleet news service, social media, and awards system. The CRO reports to the FXO and FCO and receives a vote in the Command Council, if not already a member. No command team membership is required for a person to be appointed to this role.
Fifth Fleet Charter
Any member who is interested has until 00:00 EST on SAT 6 FEB 2021 to let me know before the search for a CRO is made public.
Congratulations to Nixon on his new role and thank you for your service as Fleet Commanding Commanding.
On behalf of the Fleet Operations Group,
Fleet Executive Officer
Fleet Commanding Officer-Elect