Good Afternoon Fifth Fleet
You will be aware that there has been work ongoing to develop The Fifth Fleet Charter, which is designed to be our overarching governance document. I am proud to announce that with a majority vote from the Command Teams, we have officially ratified the draft charter.
It is available here:
I want to thank Stephen, Penta and Redbird for their work on developing the charter.
The Charter will come into effect at 12pm GMT on Monday 25th January. 2021 You’ll notice a few changes as we align our operations with what is laid out in the Fleet Charter.
With that news, I am confirming that as of the 1st March 2021, I will be stepping down as Fleet CO. I came back to get the fleet rebooted and to get us to a stable place – with the charter in place we have reached that goal and I am confident that The Fifth Fleet is in a position to grow going forwards.
I won’t be leaving the Fleet as I will be retaining the Alliance, and following my announcement earlier in the year, I’ll be launching Starbase Deep Space Eden within the Homefront Storyline. Under the charter, Skippy and I – as the holders of our real world assets – will be taking up the roles of Trustees of the Fleet.
On Monday 25th January, I will call a special election for Fleet CO, a 7 day nomination period will commence, followed by a 7 day election period. A short transition will follow, and the new Fleet CO will take up their reins at 12pm GMT on 1st March 2021.